Monday, June 9, 2014

June is Audiobook Month!

So, I've been wanting to write something since I got back from APAC on the 30th. But, if you've read this blog at all, you'll know that I've been struggling with fatigue for quite some time now (which also explains why there were no posts at all last month...), so it's taken me this long to get the combination of spare time and gumption to sit down and start typing. Funny how going from mostly frozen food to cooking completely fresh, every single day, after working a full day in the office, kinda sucks up your energy and time, isn't it?

Anyways, as the title says, June has been designated "Audiobook Month", by our benevolent overlords at the APA, so I'm finally using this as an opportunity to get off my butt and post some Audiobook stuff! So: what am I up to? Well, this weekend, I actually got back into my studio and recorded the first three chapters of A Multitude of Monsters (the next book in the Ebenezum series, after A Malady of Magicks). You just know it's a good sign when even listening back to the raw session had me chuckling. I'm planning on writing some posts detailing my process as I go through recording the book, so those of you who just can't get enough touring of sausage factories, buckle in.

Also, after uploading my new demo excerpts to ACX (and other places, like my website, of course), I got contacted by a couple of authors who liked what they heard, so I've got two very different follow-ups after Multitude is done.

The first book I'll be tackling after I get my latest Wuntvor fix is Knights: The Heart of Shadows, by Robert E. Keller. This is a series (I'm coming in at the third book) that is definitely High Fantasy, aimed at perhaps a bit younger crowd, which follows the journey of a young man plucked out of obscurity to train as a Divine Knight because of his ability to access a little understood power known as the Eye of Divinity. It should be a fun contrast from the Ebenezum books--almost the flip side of those stories--where I get to play the full gravity of the fantasy setting as opposed to poking gentle fun at it. No enchanted chickens or Brownie Power here!

Then last, but very definitely not least, I'll be narrating When The Dead, a very serious post- (and maybe "during-") apocalyptic novel by the surprisingly hilarious Michelle Kilmer (seriously. Just tossing jokes back and forth with her has single-handedly doubled the number of tweets in my till-now-neglected Twitter account). What really intrigues me about this one is that it starts with the same perspective that made The Walking Dead so compelling (to me): that, in a zombie apocalypse, it's not so much the zombies you want to watch out for as your fellow survivors. And there's a nice departure from the mainstream (if that term really applies to zombie stories), in that these survivors do what most of us would really do in that situation: they hole up in their apartment building, with neighbors they barely know, and hope to ride the disaster out. Nope, no possibility of crazy interpersonal drama with life-and-death stakes there at all, amiright?

Well, that means it's time to close out this journey (I swear, the reason I don't post as much as I plan to is that every darned post turns into a freaking novel!) by passing on an audiobook you might want to check out. Your first Just-Add-Caffeine-endorsed link is to a 2014 Audies finalist in the Audio Drama category: The Fall of the Kings, by Ellen Kushner and Delia Sherman, read by a full cast. From the AudioFile review: "the third installment in Ellen Kushner's Riverside series is flush with all the intrigue, sex, and politics of its predecessors." If that doesn't intrigue you, well, you're probably reading the wrong blog. Til next time--listen to some good books!

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