Sunday, April 20, 2014

It's heeeere!!

So I got this message in my inbox on Thursday:

Guess my superstition paid off, eh? Well, in any case, that's a nice way to start off the weekend, not to mention a good way to make this all feel real, and the last eight months worthwhile!

I'm proud and happy to be able to let folks know that what I've been calling "Book Number One" is in fact "A Malady of Magicks", by Craig Shaw Gardner. It's a very funny satirical fantasy originally published in 1986, and most recently re-issued by Crossroad Press. If you liked "The Princess Bride", or you've ever read and enjoyed any of Terry Pratchett's work, there's a good chance you'd enjoy this book. It's told from the point of view of Wuntvor, apprentice to Ebenezum, the "greatest mage in the Western Kingdoms". Ebenezum attracts the attention of a powerful demon, and ends up stuck with an allergy to magic. The story follows the duo as they attempt to travel to Vushta ("the city of a thousand forbidden delights") to find a cure for his condition--and, of course, hijinks ensue.

It was amazingly fun to read. I had a blast finding voices for the many (many, many) characters and doing my best to bring out the humor, and I'm looking forward to recording the second book in the trilogy, "A Multitude of Monsters"--which I already have the contract to read (he said smugly). Hopefully folks enjoy it.

You can find the audiobook on Amazon, Audible, and iTunes. Happy listening!

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