Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Fatigue's a [deleted], and some actual work

This'll be a short one. The last couple of days have been difficult--for whatever reason, the fatigue has been higher than normal. I tell you, there's little worse than having only about six good hours in a day. Unless, of course, it's having those six hours be somewhere between 8pm and 2am...

I thought it might be nice to write something about the actual book I'm working on, since this is at least supposed to be a blog having to do with my narration work. Tonight I finished editing together the raw audio for chapter ten (of sixteen), which puts me at a total of just over four and a half hours of "finished" audio out of a projected 6.1 hours--at least according to ACX's (doubtless automated) formula. I put "finished" in quotation marks because the publisher has an audio guy who will, once I'm done with all the rough edits, run a final noise reduction/compression/other magic stuff pass.

It's nice to be on the downhill slope, though. This fledgling career still feels more than half like a dream, and the frustration of losing literally months of work time should ease off a bit once I actually get a book out there and (hopefully) selling.

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