Thursday, September 25, 2014

What did I do?

You know, I'd be the last to claim that I have any certainty about what happens after death, but I confess a certain sympathy to the idea of reincarnation (and remember, even the Christian church believed in reincarnation before the Council of Nicea), and most takes on reincarnation include some kind of "karma" or progression/regression between lives based on your performance.

So... if you buy that... the last three months leave me with one burning question: what the HECK did I DO in a past life to deserve the, pardon my Latin, utter shitstorm of the last three months?

I get back from APAC, excited about getting my audiobook career going, feeling good about my continued recovery from fatigue etc., and my older dog starts dying. We save him, after many hospital visits and running up serious credit bills, and my son manages to basically get himself kicked out of the home he's been living in, and potentially in much more serious trouble. And now, my day job, the financial engine which has thus far made it possible for me to get set up and moving on this second career, has gone away. The company I work for has... what's the word? "Restructured", and by whatever set of opaque criteria they claim to have used, has decided that my services are no longer required.

You want stress? Yeah, I got stress. So much awesome, especially given that stress is my most reliable migraine trigger.

Right now, and pretty much every day of the last three months, I'm just trying to keep putting one foot in front of the other. I feel like the stereotype of a shark: if I stop moving, I'll sink, and smother alone on the ocean floor.

Oh, and happy effing birthday to me. What a way to begin my 46th year on this planet. Thanks to everyone who has wished me a happy one. I really do appreciate it.

Yeah, I'll live. If raising an autistic and at times violent son didn't kill me, this won't either. This is just one of those days when it's hard to even imagine where I'm going to be next week, let alone next month or next year.